The Diplomatic Intervention

For dogs who already have had some training, but have developed some bad habits, such as dragging/pulling you while walking, leash reactivity, incessant barking, overexcited greetings or anything else that is making life with your dog challenging. This remedial program e will help both of you move on and forward to break the bad habit – whether yours or the dogs or both - and specifically covers:



  • Three 60 minute sessions in your home

  • Initial session is 90-120 minutes

  • Continued phone/email support upon completion

PRICE: $800

Ready to get started? Tell me about you and your dog and I will contact you to discuss how we can work together!




Kathleen is an amazing trainer. She did a series of in-home lessons for myself and my Australian Shepherd puppy Jackson. After we had tried a number of training classes without total success for such a high energy puppy, Kathleen assessed our needs and offered corrections and advice tailored specifically to my situation and breed.
— Karen H.